The Pieve di Bianconese, is preserved not far from the banks of the river Taro, not far from the hamlet of Ponte Taro. Very little remains of the original parish church and what can be seen today is the result of a reconstruction that took place in 1720.

Historical sources tell of the original parish church, located on the right bank of the Taro, where the castle with its chapel dedicated to St. Michael stood. However, the constant flooding of the Taro River led to the relocation of the parish permanently, no later than 1230.

The building was thus moved away from the banks, always on the same side, to the position where it can be seen today. The reconstruction that took place between 1720 and 1730 has left no ancient traces of the history of this parish church, which has an imposing façade characterized by a large triangular tympanum, wide volutes and two pairs of pilasters. The interior has a single hall with high side chapels.

The parish church is dedicated to St. John the Baptist.

Plain parish churches
Strada Inghiaiata, 2, 43010 Bianconese PR