Glossary D – P


EDICOLA – AEDICULE: architectural structure in the shape of a small temple that houses a room inside.

FONTE BATTESIMALE – BAPTISMAL FONT: a font containing the water used for baptism.

FRONTONE – PEDIMENT: the triangle formed by the pitches of the roof and the trabeation.

GUGLIA – SPIRE: elongated structure positioned to crown a tower, a roof or other vertical structure.

LESENA – HALF PILASTER: element that protrudes from a wall surface, in the form of a semi-column or semi-pillar; it has a decorative function.

LUNETTA – LUNETTE: opening or portion of wall in the shape of an arch.

MATRONEO – WOMEN’S GALLERY: the area for women in churches; gallery that opens along the walls of the central nave.

MONOFORA – LANCET WINDOW: window with only one opening.

NARTECE – NARTHEX: colonnade portico leaning against the facade of the church.

NAVATA – NAVE: environment with longitudinal development delimited by walls or rows of columns or pillars. A church can have a single nave or several aisles.

NICCHIA – RECESS: hollow inside a wall (usually houses a statue).

PARASTA – PILASTER: element that protrudes from a wall surface; it differs from the pilaster because it has a function not only decorative, even in part structural.

PILASTAR – PILLAR: vertical support element with quadrangular or polygonal section.

PORTALE – PORTAL: the main door through which you enter a building, such as a church.

PRESBITERIO – PRESBITERY: part of the church intended for the clergy, located at the end of the central nave, closed by the apse.

PROTIRO – PROTHYRUM: in Romanesque churches, a forepart covering the entrance; generally supported by two columns.
